Tag Archives: video

Guide to Disability Accommodations for Adult Learners

Have you ever struggled to help your students understand the Americans with Disabilities Act form they are required to sign? Programs may have translated it into multiple languages and provided some examples, but it can still be confusing. It can be especially challenging for learners with limited formal education. Thanks to Literacy Minnesota and PANDA (Minnesota ABE Physical and Nonapparent Disability Assistance) we now have a clear, accessible guide.

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CensusGirl & Count Me In: Videos for #Census2020

It is as important as ever that members of all communities in the United States stand up and be counted. This has been a particularly important message for communities that have historically been undercounted in the past.

CensusGirl and Count Me In provide just the tool you need to educate your adult literacy students about the critical need to be counted. Each of these wonderful short and engaging public service announcements provides essential information about the importance of filling out the census.

Quick tip: Find quick messages and resources to share with your students in Census Messages and Resources for Language and Literacy (doc). Copy/paste messages and links that can be shared through Twitter, Instagram, Google Classroom, Whatsapp, etc.
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Supporting 1st Generation College Students

We work hard to help our students build their academic skills and develop the content knowledge they need to earn their HSE diplomas, but there are many other factors that can make or break our students as they attempt to successfully cross the divide into college coursework and degrees. For graduating high school seniors who are the first in their families to go to college, being successful in college can be extremely difficult because of academic, social and financial pressures. For adult students, after they struggle to get their high school equivalency diploma, a college degree can seem impossible. It is important that they see people like themselves struggle and pick themselves up as they work through college. Our students need to see resilience at work and prepare themselves for some of the same challenges. Continue reading Supporting 1st Generation College Students

From Annenberg to You (with Love)

Looking for a way to incorporate an intelligent and cohesive way to teach U.S. history? Overwhelmed by the many websites out there, each with one or two valuable texts or resources? Well, you are in luck. If you are reading this review, you now have access to a comprehensive online curriculum for teaching U.S. history, divided into periods, with excellent primary sources to illustrate key themes and points as well as excerpts from texts written by historians that will give you, as teacher, an in-depth understanding of each period. Continue reading From Annenberg to You (with Love)

Deepening our Understanding of Evolution

Over the last few months, a few of us in the CUNY Adult Literacy/HSE Program have been working on a lesson set on evolution. While poking around the Internet and educating ourselves, we have found some wonderful resources for science education, which we will share over the next few months.  Continue reading Deepening our Understanding of Evolution