Tag Archives: lesson plans

Integrating Primary Sources

The focus of Education Resources at the Library of Congress is on using primary sources to have students understand how people and events have shaped history. To encourage interest and introduce the lesson, the teacher starts by presenting students with a short article or picture. This will give some background information and allow students to ask and answer questions about the materials. The lessons provide an easy to understand format for both teachers and students. There are plenty of materials provided for the lesson and suggestions as to how the teacher can adapt the lessons to suit individual needs. Continue reading Integrating Primary Sources

A People’s Website

Many of us adult educators are familiar with Howard Zinn, the revolutionary historian who wrote “A People’s History of the United States,” and “A Young People’s History of the United States.” If you are a teacher who has enjoyed using excerpts from Zinn’s books in class, you will love this website, with lots of free teaching materials on history that will be engaging and accessible to students. Continue reading A People’s Website

A Window into International Education

When I was a student, in every mathematics class I had, the teacher presented problems and explained how to solve them. The teacher would do a sample problem with us, then give us a worksheet full of similar problems to try on our own. Our success depended on how well we remembered the procedure we had been shown. It never occurred to me that there was any other way to learn math. Continue reading A Window into International Education

Problem-Solving Activities, Videos, and Articles Promoting Growth Mindset

As adult education instructors, we know that our students bring all kinds of preconceived ideas about math into the classroom. Many see math as boring—a subject governed by processes, rules, and formulas that has little connection to their world. Furthermore, because they may have struggled with math in the past, they think that they will never be good at math. “I’m just not a math person.” We’ve all heard that from our students. Continue reading Problem-Solving Activities, Videos, and Articles Promoting Growth Mindset