Tag Archives: history

From Annenberg to You (with Love)

Looking for a way to incorporate an intelligent and cohesive way to teach U.S. history? Overwhelmed by the many websites out there, each with one or two valuable texts or resources? Well, you are in luck. If you are reading this review, you now have access to a comprehensive online curriculum for teaching U.S. history, divided into periods, with excellent primary sources to illustrate key themes and points as well as excerpts from texts written by historians that will give you, as teacher, an in-depth understanding of each period. Continue reading From Annenberg to You (with Love)

A People’s Website

Many of us adult educators are familiar with Howard Zinn, the revolutionary historian who wrote “A People’s History of the United States,” and “A Young People’s History of the United States.” If you are a teacher who has enjoyed using excerpts from Zinn’s books in class, you will love this website, with lots of free teaching materials on history that will be engaging and accessible to students. Continue reading A People’s Website

Turning Students Into Historians

Teaching History is so full of useful resources that it can seem overwhelming. The website is divided into three main sections: Teaching Materials, History Content, and Best Practices. You’ll find quality lesson plans reviewed by other teachers in Teaching Materials. History Content is where you’ll find engaging resources to deepen your own content knowledge. In Best Practices, you can learn how to teach historical thinking and turn your students into historians.

Continue reading Turning Students Into Historians