The Mathematical Practices that are in the College and Career Readiness Standards for Adult Education define what it means to be a mathematically proficient student. As adult education instructors, our job is to help our students navigate over the swells in the tempest of their angst until they get to the point where they have enough confidence in their own abilities to weather the sea of mathematics.
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Tag Archives: assessment
Bring Math and Student Thinking Alive in the Adult Ed Classroom
One of the most common questions we hear from math teachers is “Where can I find good problems for my students?”. There are more than a dozen sites reviewed on CollectEdNY that answer that question but we are really excited to share MathMemos which, like CollectEdNY, is entirely focused on adult education math teachers and students. Continue reading Bring Math and Student Thinking Alive in the Adult Ed Classroom
Micro-Credentials Using Digital Badges from Credly
In adult education, the main credentials available to students are often quite far off from where the student begins with us. Whether it is a High School Equivalency Diploma, Citizenship or mastery of TOEFL, the tests these credentials require are difficult and require many hours of work in and outside of class. This is where the idea of micro-credentialing comes in. Much like Girl Scout badges, micro-credentials mark achievements along the way to the larger credential. A micro-credential may be associated with mastery of a skill, time spent on a skill or task, or some other achievement. A common way to indicate a micro-credential is through the use of digital badges, an online image that is a “validated indicator of accomplishment.” Continue reading Micro-Credentials Using Digital Badges from Credly
Use Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning
Research tells us that writing instruction is more effective when we use rubrics as a teaching tool and a tool for assessment. Students who have the goal of passing the HSE exam should know the Essay Scoring Rubrics well and will benefit from using them in self-assessment and to “score” exemplar essays and/or peers’ writing.
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Create your own Rubrics!
Research tells us that writing instruction is most effective when teachers and students consistently use rubrics as learning and assessment tools.
If you are an HSE teacher, you should be using the HSE Essay Scoring Rubrics to prepare students for those specific requirements. If you teach other levels or would like to be more creative, this online tool will allow you to create your own rubrics independently or in collaboration with your students.