The Minnesota Literacy Council ESL Story Bank is a group of stories written specifically for adult ESL learners at the lowest levels. They are part of the Minnesota Literacy Council’s Adult ESL Curriculum with Transition Skills, available here for free. In the ESL Story Bank, there are both pre-beginning and beginning stories in the story bank. The stories are all relevant and appropriate for adult English Language Learners. The activities are well-scaffolded, and designed to help low level students each step of the way. The materials can be used as a full curriculum in which you introduce a new story with a theme that builds over the course of a week. Alternatively, teachers can pick and choose stories that support the adult learner themes they are working on. Continue reading Low Level Stories You Can “Bank” On!
Bring the Past Alive with HERB
The guy with the pipe in his mouth is the one you want to talk to. That’s HERB, the “mascot” for the CUNY Graduate’s Center website Social History for Every Classroom. Herb presides over a vast collection of primary sources that will bring U.S. history alive for your students. Continue reading Bring the Past Alive with HERB
Ideas for Teaching Vocabulary? Look no Further!
This document is a wonderful resource for teachers who want a crash course on how to teach vocabulary effectively along with dozens of really fun vocabulary games that can be used for reinforcement and review. The first pages of the blog are devoted to summarizing the main points of Beck and McKeown’s “Bringing Words to Life,” which has become the go-to book for most educators around the topic of vocabulary instruction. These pages provide teachers with a “quick and dirty” guide to choosing words, presenting words to students, what it means to “know” a word, and how to review words for reinforcement and application. Continue reading Ideas for Teaching Vocabulary? Look no Further!
A Call to Adult Numeracy/HSE Math Teachers: Let’s Build Community (and Practice) Together
On the evening of April 4th (the second night of the 2017 COABE1 conference), some 30-40 adult educators from around the country came together after a long day of workshops for some extracurricular inspiration in math – a new Adult Numeracy Network (ANN)2 event called ANN Under 10.
The idea is simple. Adult numeracy teachers give a brief talk, each under 10 minutes. Each speaker tells a story and asks a question that is driving their teaching practice. Some may pose a question they have been working on for years, some may share something they’ve been working on for only a few months. But the questions they share with us are invitations to collaborate.
The goal of ANN under 10 is for teachers to continue to work on the ideas inspired by the talks. The talks themselves are wonderful, but the real work is what happens in the classrooms and practice of the teachers who watch them. Continue reading A Call to Adult Numeracy/HSE Math Teachers: Let’s Build Community (and Practice) Together
The NYSED/CUNY CareerKits
The NYSED/CUNY CareerKit Project is a set of curricular resources for HSE and high level ESOL students that blend critical literacy skills with career exploration, planning and preparation in 10 different growing industries. Each of the 10 CareerKits is designed to engage HSE and high level ESOL students in reading, writing, math, critical thinking and digital literacy activities. The CareerKits are thoughtfully planned, and chockful of relevant resources – graphs, articles, videos, writing assignments, and more. As of September 2017, there are CareerKits for healthcare, technology, community & social service, and education & childcare available for use. The Careerkit in Manufacturing is coming soon. Continue reading The NYSED/CUNY CareerKits