Improve your Science Literacy Game in Minutes: Educator Resources from the American Museum of Natural History

As ABE/HSE teachers, we face the continual dilemma of so much to teach, and so little time to teach it—that is why it makes sense for us to teach literacy strategies in the process of helping students acquire content knowledge.  One of the main ways we can do this is through reading.

The Integrating Literacy Strategies into Science Instruction series from the American Museum of Natural History is a very helpful tool for this purpose.  The series consists of videos, 5-10 minutes in length, on particular reading strategies—paraphrasing, summarizing, read alouds, vocabulary, and interactive reading guides—that are accompanied by the tools used along with the videos.

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CensusGirl & Count Me In: Videos for #Census2020

It is as important as ever that members of all communities in the United States stand up and be counted. This has been a particularly important message for communities that have historically been undercounted in the past.

CensusGirl and Count Me In provide just the tool you need to educate your adult literacy students about the critical need to be counted. Each of these wonderful short and engaging public service announcements provides essential information about the importance of filling out the census.

Quick tip: Find quick messages and resources to share with your students in Census Messages and Resources for Language and Literacy (doc). Copy/paste messages and links that can be shared through Twitter, Instagram, Google Classroom, Whatsapp, etc.
Continue reading CensusGirl & Count Me In: Videos for #Census2020

Teaching about Coronavirus

Many adult education teachers are looking for resources and developing lessons to help our students understand the coronavirus. We will use this post to create a space where teachers can share the materials they find and/or create. We will try to update this post once a week with new resources we find and/or hear about. Please share any links to materials that you bring to your students in the comments below.

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Teaching the 2020 Census? Start with Messaging Basics

Census forms are in the mail! It’s time to start talking to our students about the Census.

Census 2020 wants to make it clear that you “count” and you need “to be counted”. This is no small claim, and it is one of the central messages that is repeated in the resources and materials published by the U.S. Bureau of the Census, and by many adult literacy educational, advocacy and social justice organizations. There have been many resources collected by the National Coalition for Literacy and the New England Literacy Resource Center (NELRC) .

Quick tip: Find quick messages and resources to share with your students in Census Messages and Resources for Language and Literacy (doc). Copy/paste messages and links that can be shared through Twitter, Instagram, Google Classroom, Whatsapp, etc.
Continue reading Teaching the 2020 Census? Start with Messaging Basics