All about Email

GCF stands for Goodwill Community Foundation and through their Learn Free website they share over 125 tutorials divided into sections Technology Basics, Living in the Online World, Microsoft Office, Essential Skills, and Work and Career. These are all worth exploring and the site is a useful toolkit whenever you need to brush up on information yourself, as well as a tool for students to use whenever they need more information. Continue reading All about Email

Inspiring Student Curiosity (or What’s “Real” about Real-world Math?)

“So I’m there on the beach with my friend Ben when we notice a taco cart up the road. Ben wants to walk straight over, but I’m thinking we walk a lot slower in the sand than we do on the street. So I say we walk straight to the street and then down the street to the cart. So we went our separate ways…” Thus begins the first Three-Act math task I ever experienced, courtesy of Dan Meyer.

Continue reading Inspiring Student Curiosity (or What’s “Real” about Real-world Math?)

Use Rubrics to Promote Thinking and Learning

Research tells us that writing instruction is more effective when we use rubrics as a teaching tool and a tool for assessment.  Students who have the goal of passing the HSE exam should know the  Essay Scoring Rubrics well and will benefit from using them in self-assessment and to “score” exemplar essays and/or peers’ writing.

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