NYSED Teacher Leader Project

Faced with many challenges in the field of adult education and changes in the HSE exams, the New York State Education Department, Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services (NYSED ACCES) had a vision to improve HSE instruction through the development of a state-wide model of teacher-led professional development. The NYSED ACCES partnered with the CUNY Adult Language & Literacy Program to develop this on-going teacher leadership development program. Since March 2014, this innovative initiative continues to bring together adult education teachers from across New York State to participate in teacher leader institutes in ELA, math, ESOL, and career pathways instruction. Participating teacher leaders take what they learn at the institutes and provide workshops, share teaching materials and give support to teachers across the state through their local Regional Adult Education Networks (RAENs). The work and resources below were made possible through ACCES’ investment in the adult education teachers of New York.


To support NYSED teacher leaders’ work with educators across the state, the CUNY training team provides materials for delivering PD modules, including slides, handouts, facilitator notes, and suggestions for adaptations.


CUNY trainers design and deliver training institutes to build content and pedagogical expertise, drawing upon the passion, dedication, and expertise of our growing teacher leader community. In 2021 the CUNY trainers began using Google Classrooms to share the institute materials from each content strand with teacher leaders.


A central part of the NYSED Teacher Leader Project is to foster a community of teacher leaders across the state, and nurture leadership dedicated to improving teaching practice in our field. Towards that end, we regularly offer NYSED teacher leaders the opportunity to apply for mini grants to fund individual and collaborative projects.

Teacher Leader Mini Grant Projects 2023
MATHMaterials for mini-lessons based using Linear Functions, Part 1 with ABE/Pre-HSE students (Teaching with the NYSED/CUNY Fast Track GRASP Math Packets) – Tim Berrigan
Teaching Math for Understanding (PD Module) – Patricia Helmuth
ESOLAbout Us: Beginning level ESOL lesson with Venn Diagrams – Kathleen Huggard
Two warm-up routines for beginning level ESOL – Jessica McMakin
Teaching math word problems in an adult ESOL classroom – Jolanta Olechowski
Teacher Leader Mini Grant Projects 2022
MATH The Mural Problem – Casey Karger
The Pyramid Scheme Problem – Sadeka Harris
A Collection of Slow Reveal Graphs for Science and Social Studies – Tim Berrigan
Slow Reveal Graphs: A Powerful Instructional Routine (PD Module) – Tim Berrigan
(Read an article by Tim from the Adult Numeracy Network journal, the Math Practitioner
Slow Reveal Graphs: A Powerful Instructional Routine, Summer 2022)
Push and Support: Equal Access and Differentiated Instruction (PD Module) – Patricia Helmuth
Working with Visuals in the HSE Classroom and on the GED Exam (Using Labor Market Briefings from the NYS Department of Labor) – Jennifer Kent
Increasing Awareness of HSE Math Content for Non-Math Teachers – Dominador Jun Caoile Jr.
Exponential Growth and Food Production – Esther Udoh
ELACareer Advantages of Being Bilingual: Lesson for pre-HSE, HSE, & High ESL (NYSED/CUNY CareerKit connections) – Matt Bird
The Change Agent & the NYSED/CUNY CareerKits – Lisa Wright
Introducing Constructed Response on the GED – Judy Bowers & Michelle Monsour
Vocabulary Packets for GED Science – Jennifer Burden
Grammar Activities for the GED – Susan Giuliano
Using Every Day Edits for Beginning Level Students – Nancy Beaman
Measure Your Math: Activities with the NYSED/CUNY Food Production CareerKit – Nancy Beaman
ESOLSeed for A Good Life Project: Three Lessons & We Speak NYC Chart (Data collection and language suggestions for each episode) – Sara Izquierdo
Using We Speak NYC with Google Applied Digital Skills in the Classroom – Amy Lenard
We Speak NYC and the NYSED/CUNY CareerKits – Sue Schneider
Teacher Leader Mini Grant Projects 2018

NYSED Teacher Leader Mini Grant Project Descriptions (2018)

MATH Professional Development Activities on Promoting Equal Access to High-Cognitive Tasks (The Painted Cube Problem) – Patricia Helmuth
The Cab Fare Problem and The Commission Problem – Cheryl Ann Stokkeland
Essential Practice Problems for HSE Students in Algebra, Geometry, & Functions – Todd Orelli
Activities with Quadratic Equations – Esther Udoh
Adapting Illustrative Math Lessons on Pythagorean Theorem & Rigid Transformations – Dominador Jun Caoile Jr.
ELATeaching Paraphrasing with the NYSED/CUNY Career Fundamentals CareerKit – Sandra Bethel
Using CareerKit Materials to Build Reading Fluency for Intermediate ESL and BE Students – Susan Giuliano & Lisa Wright
Professional Development Activities Using the NYSED/CUNY Manufacturing CareerKit – Jennifer Kent & Kathy Lent
Lesson Set for Using Riddled with Life: Friendly Worms, Ladybug Sex, and the Parasites That Make Us Who We Are – Solange Farina
ESOLAdaptive Lessons from the NYSED/CUNY Career Fundamentals CareerKit for beginning level and intermediate ESL learners (introducing the 10 sectors) – Mark Jamison & Moira Taylor
Lessons from “Parenting is a Job, Too” unit of NYSED/CUNY CareerKits for beginning level and intermediate ESL learners – Amy Lenard
Adaptive Lessons from the NYSED/CUNY Career Fundamentals CareerKit for beginning level and intermediate ESL learners (career pathway plans and personal portfolio) – Sandra Bethel, Jose Jean, & Jolanta Olechowski
Teacher Leader Mini Grant Projects 2016
MATH Math Memos – Tyler Holzer
Student Numeracy Adventure Day: A Planning Guide – Patricia Helmuth
(Read an article by Patricia from the Adult Numeracy Network journal, the Math Practitioner –
How to Alleviate Math Fears with a Math Fair, Sumer 2017)
Extending the CUNY Curriculum Framework to the TASC Official Readiness Tests – Todd Orelli
Math Tool Kit for Adult English Language Learners – Kate Leenay
ELAModifying SS Lessons for the Beginning Level Learner – Barbara Flood & Eileen Istorico
US History Curriculum for ESOL – Robin Morgan
Lessons on the Great Wave of Immigration for ESL Students – Jolanta Olechowski
TASC Writing Prompts – Susan Giuliano & Lisa Wright
Practice Informational Essays for the TASC – Judy Bowers & Michelle Monsour
SMART Goals – Angelo Ditto
Close Reading in in the Adult Education Classroom – Randy Raux
Energytropolis: A Project of The Energy Study Group – Maggie Brown, Meghan McNamara, Parvoneh Shirgir
Teaching Science in the TASC Era – Kathryn Lent & Brett Mosier
NYSED Teacher Leader Article Reviews

In 2015, ten math teacher leaders reviewed a series of articles on math teaching, writing about their relevance to adult learners. NYSED Teacher Leader Article Reviews (March 2015)

See How It All Got Started

You can see photos and posts from the NYSED Teacher Leader Institutes at our hashtag #nysedtl.


















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