This lesson is made up of two activities that help students develop their understanding of benchmark percentages (in this case 1% and 10%). Specifically, students use multiples of 1% to find single-digit percentages and they combine multiples of 10% and 1% to find two-digit percentages. Students also work with percent increases/decreases and visualizing percents with circle graphs, number lines and grids. Contexts explored include sales tax, paycheck deductions, and comparing sale prices.
In addition to the two central activities, the lesson also includes five additional practice handouts, an extension activity, and 6 Test Practice questions.
This sample lesson comes from Split It Up: More Fractions, Decimals, and Percents (EMPower Math) which is part of the EMPower Math Series, and includes the notes from the Teacher Book and all of the activity handouts from the Student Book.