Talking partners

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Building community is an important part of all adult literacy & HSE classes. Talking Partners can help students connect and support each other and works in both face-to-face and online classes.

How does it work? Pair students together for a month and ask them to check-in with weekly via text/phone/video. A light structure with an outline of questions can help, or just let them engage as they see fit. Then, you can switch up the partners after a month or two. It makes sense for the teacher to choose partners at the start of a semester (if not the whole time to reduce social pressure). As you get to know the students, you can strategically pair based on who might be a good fit and offer complimentary skills/support.

Sample Questions: 

  • What is something that inspires you?
  • Is there anything you are particularly proud of this week?
  • What is a Rose/Thorn/Bud for the week? (A rose is a highlight, a thorn is a challenge, and a bud is something you are hopeful about)
  • What’s one thing you wish you knew more about?

This activity came to us from Joey Lehrman.