Teaching Guide. By Alan Stoskopf. Facing History and Ourselves. 2002. 371 pages.
Resources for teaching about the eugenics movement in the United States.
Time Periods: Turn of the Century: 1900 – 1909, 20th Century | Themes: Racism & Racial Identity, Science | Reading Levels: High School | Resource Types: Teaching Guides

Race and Membership in American History: The Eugenics Movement, published by Facing History and Ourselves, is a sourcebook with replications of historical texts, references to popular culture, current laws, and issues in the bio-ethical debate.
- Science Fictions & Social Realities
- Race, Democracy & Citizenship
- Evolution, ‘Progress,’ and Eugenics
- In an Age of ‘Progress’
- Eugenics and the Power of Testing
- Toward Civic Biology
- Eugenics, Citizenship, and Immigration
- The Nazi Connection
- Legacies and Possibilities