Introducing: The NYSED/CUNY CareerKit in Manufacturing

Did you know…

On average, Manufacturing workers earn more per hour than employees in other industries.

The NYSED/CUNY CareerKit in Manufacturing provides a detailed look at the Manufacturing industry, through literacy and numeracy activities. As in CareerKits of other sectors, students use career exploration databases such as Career Cruising,  read narratives and watch video interviews with seasoned professionals who provide a personal view of Manufacturing careers. They learn about the educational requirements and how people progress in the field.

Like all CareerKits, this one includes reading and vocabulary activities, essay-writing, math, and graph interpretation. In addition, students read a history of the Manufacturing sector that includes several high-utility social studies topics tested on the HSE exam, including the assembly line, supply and demand, World War II economics, post-war economics and renewable vs. non-renewable resources.

Teachers can approach this CareerKit from a number of angles.
  • Pursuing Employment in the Field
    The field of Manufacturing has changed tremendously over the past few decades. Previously considered dark, dangerous and dirty work, Manufacturing workers today are skilled professionals who work in safe environments and whose employers invest in them by providing training and opportunities for advancement. Manufacturing workers on average earn more and receive better benefits than the average worker across sectors. Students who were not previously interested in pursuing the field may become interested after learning about today’s realities in Manufacturing.
  • Consumers of the Manufacturing Sector
    Manufacturing touches us all every day. From the chairs we sit in to the phones we use to the subway or car that transports us, everything we use was made by someone somewhere. Learning about how products are produced is fascinating! And touches all sectors from Healthcare to Technology to Transportation to Retail.
How to use the CareerKit in Manufacturing
  1. Use the Manufacturing CareerKit skills chart to locate activities based on the literacy or numeracy skill you want students to practice.
  2. Using the skills chart, go to the Manufacturing unit that contains the activity you want.
  3. Read the activity and consider whether you want to make any adaptations to the activity, based on your students’ skills and needs.

Contact Ellen Baxt for a Microsoft Word version of the student handouts if you want to make any adaptations.

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