All posts by Leah Clay-Youman

AI for Education

Curious about generative AI? Already using it? Educators associated with World Eduation’s various projects have created an abundance of great resources. They help to both understand the evolving technology (the potential and pitfalls) and showcase creative ways to apply it to our work. Highlighted below are a few but take some time to explore their website.

The “Ed Tech Bytes: Generative Artificial Intelligence” YouTube playlist includes four webinars, each approximately half an hour:

  • In Zero to Hero, get a better understanding of what generative AI is, what it can do, and why it matters.
  • In The Power of Open, we reflect on the importance of “open” and what it means when technology is included in the creative process. 
  • In Making it Work, hear tips and strategies from educational professionals that are using generative AI. 
  • In Humans in Focus, we explore what it means to include equity and ethics when we teach with and about AI.

The Open Prompt Book:

A Generative AI prompt is the information, sentences, or questions that you enter into a Generative AI tool. This prompt book dives into the explorations of adult educators who participated in World Ed’s “Camp GPT” project. Participants were introduced to Generative AI chatbots and two core strategies for using them: writing effective prompts and engaging in detailed dialogues (interacting with the chatbot to get what you’re looking for). The prompt book does a nice job of introducing strategies learned, and then highlighting sample text prompts. Participants asked ChatGPT to solve many issues we face, such as the creation of educational resources (ABE, ESOL, HSE, science, math, digital literacy, assessments, matching activities, mnemonic devices, rubrics… ) as well as supports for teacher training projects and administrative tasks. 

The wide variety of topics, specificity of the requests, documented results, teacher reflections, and helpful tips all contribute to a lovely document that is practical, educational, and inspiring. Here is one example to give you a sense of the structure and creativity:

Below is an excerpt of the result of the prompt found at the “Try it out!” for this prompt:

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Guide to Disability Accommodations for Adult Learners

Have you ever struggled to help your students understand the Americans with Disabilities Act form they are required to sign? Programs may have translated it into multiple languages and provided some examples, but it can still be confusing. It can be especially challenging for learners with limited formal education. Thanks to Literacy Minnesota and PANDA (Minnesota ABE Physical and Nonapparent Disability Assistance) we now have a clear, accessible guide.

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Reading Skills for Today’s Adults: New Updates!

You may be familiar with the Southwest ABE’s Reading Skills For Today’s Adults website, where you can find readings on a variety of topics and at different levels. As with any materials, you need to look through and see which might fit your needs. As my colleague Kate Brandt (CUNY HSE PD team) said in her CollectEd post, the best feature of the website is the audio: students can read along while listening to an audio of the text read at three different speeds: slow, medium, and fast. There are also sets of questions attached to each text that students can print out and write answers to, and each text also includes supplementary worksheets with vocabulary, close paragraphs, and fill-in-the-blank exercises.

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