All posts by Kate Brandt

About Kate Brandt

Kate Brandt is a Professional Developer in the adult literacy field in New York City and she loves her job. She loves her job so much that she commutes 2 hours per day, from her suburban home in Shrub Oak, New York, to get to work. She loves working in adult literacy because she gets to work with people who are smart, kind, and dedicated.

The New Newsela

Newsela was always one of the greatest gifts teachers could ever receive—newspaper articles on current events worldwide that could be reprinted at different reading levels for students with varying literacy needs.  Well, just in time for a new school year, Newsela has remade itself into THE go-to source for adult literacy teachers, especially those of us who teach to the HSE test. Continue reading The New Newsela

Career Exploration Resources for Students

This is a comprehensive career exploration website that every adult student should be aware of. The site allows students to take the first steps toward researching a career by assessing themselves based on broad categories of interest, such as “enterprising,” “social,” and “artistic.” Continue reading Career Exploration Resources for Students

Straightforward Health Information

This is my go-to website when I am looking for a text about a disease that clearly explains the causes, symptoms, and treatment. Without talking down, the website describes and explains many different diseases in simple language. The texts about each disease are at an appropriate reading levels and length for classroom use and because they have subtitles, they lend themselves well to practices like filling in graphic organizers and writing summaries. Continue reading Straightforward Health Information

An Engaging Way to Review Science Content

If you live in New York City, you will have seen posters advertising “Scishow” all over the subways. What is it? Scishow is a series of videos that covers a range of science topics in an interesting way. Titles include “When you Burn Fat, Where Does it Go?” “Why Sex?” etc. Continue reading An Engaging Way to Review Science Content

A Comprehensive Science Resource

This comprehensive site for teachers is set up for K-12 teaching but includes many resources that are appropriate for the adult classroom. Continue reading A Comprehensive Science Resource