Have you ever struggled to help your students understand the Americans with Disabilities Act form they are required to sign? Programs may have translated it into multiple languages and provided some examples, but it can still be confusing. It can be especially challenging for learners with limited formal education. Thanks to Literacy Minnesota and PANDA (Minnesota ABE Physical and Nonapparent Disability Assistance) we now have a clear, accessible guide.
“It’s important for learners to know their rights and be able to advocate for themselves, but it can be hard to find accessible explanations of these topics. That’s why Literacy Minnesota and PANDA have partnered to produce a guide that helps explain learners’ rights and how to exercise them.” – LiteracyMN.org
The written guides (English, Spanish, Somali) use clear language, at a fifth grade or lower reading level. There are also videos of speakers reading the text clearly in each of the three languages. From the website:

The contact information and helpful resources at the end are specific for Minnesota, so you will need to replace them with local resources.
You can find the guide in all languages and formats here.
Very useful.
Actually I have made a website for visually impaired people
artofsounds.gr (the customer was a music school)