Easy to read materials about the COVID-19 vaccine are essential for English Language Learners (ELLs) and basic education students. To help students keep up-to-date and well-informed on this topic, here are some resources from reliable sources to adapt for teaching or to share with students.
“Understanding the Vaccine” from The Morning (New York Times)
- An easy guide “A Guide to your Covid-19 Vaccination” published by Public Health England
- Infographic about “Science of Vaccines”
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) (They have information in multiple languages.)
NYCHealth (They have information in multiple languages.)
- “What New Yorkers Need to Know About Covid-19 Vaccines”
- NYCHealth Covid-19: Data
- NYCHealth Covid-19: Vaccines
NYSED/CUNY CareerKit Adaptations
- Intermediate lesson about vaccines (from NYSED/CUNY CareerKits “Parenting is a Job, too”
- Beginner lesson about vaccines (from NYSED/CUNY CareerKits “Parenting is a Job, too”
First Covid-19 Vaccine Approved in U.S. (December 14, 2020)
Voice of America
A Study of Pfizer Vaccine Appears Effective Against Covid-19 Variants (January 11, 2021)
Institute for Healthcare Advancement (IHA) Infectious Disease Specialist Answers Your Covid-19 Vaccine Questions
- Infectious Disease Specialist Answers Your Questions
- Covid-19 MRNA Vaccines (What could you expect from getting the vaccine?)

Teaching About Vaccines (Distance Learning Lessons) from SABES:
You may be interested in these four new lessons at a pre-HSE level from the SABES Adult Education Professional Development Center in Massachusetts. Lessons include How Vaccines Work, Understanding Risk, Herd Immunity, and The Coming Vaccine.