It is as important as ever that members of all communities in the United States stand up and be counted. This has been a particularly important message for communities that have historically been undercounted in the past.
CensusGirl and Count Me In provide just the tool you need to educate your adult literacy students about the critical need to be counted. Each of these wonderful short and engaging public service announcements provides essential information about the importance of filling out the census.
Quick tip: Find quick messages and resources to share with your students in Census Messages and Resources for Language and Literacy (doc). Copy/paste messages and links that can be shared through Twitter, Instagram, Google Classroom, Whatsapp, etc.
In CensusGirl, a superhero lands in a NYC library and inspires a spirited conversation about the census with immigrant New Yorkers from all over the world. Here are instructional materials to accompany the video:

In Count Me In, a father learns from his wife, his son and his daughter the truth about the census and why it matters so much. Here are instructional materials to accompany the video: