One of the easiest messages to get across to students is how to manage their own healthy habits. The Times in Plain English has some articles on the topic, and also a great visual with three images: Wash Your Hands, Use a Tissue, Avoid Touching Your Face.

Here’s a simple dialogue to use with low level ESOL students to practice five common healthy practices.
The WHO has a very simple visual of proper handwashing technique, complete with the suggestion of singing “Happy Birthday” twice as you wash. The written language includes some technical vocabulary, so a great activity would be to have students write the instructions themselves based on what they see. A video on handwashing may also be a useful tool.
Cell-Ed created a FREE Coronavirus Guide to share advice from experts on how to best protect communities from viruses. As a reminder, Cell-Ed offers instructional materials by phone.
Another set of visuals with healthy practices in simple and straightforward language comes from the Center for Disease Control. Finally, check out the New York City Department of Health page at for resources in English and multiple languages and regular updates and information about what is happening with Coronavirus around the city.